Politico – het toonaangevende nieuwsmedium van de Europese politiek- schreef een artikel waarin zij de prestaties van het Europees Parlement analyseerden. Zij analyseerde de bevindingen en beantwoordden o.a. de volgende vragen: Wie waren de grootste rebellen? Welke Europarlementariers waren het minst aanwezig? Wie diende de meeste amendementen in? Onze Dorien Rookmaker kreeg ook een vermelding in deze lijst:
“Who were the biggest rebels in defecting from their party line?”
With only half of her votes matching those cast by the majority of her European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group, Dorien Rookmaker is the MEP who most often dissented from her political movement.
Stats: Rookmaker dissented from the ECR’s main group vote 48.3 percent of the time.
What she says: “Group discipline is a bad thing, caused by career politicians who are afraid of damaging their prospects later in life,” Rookmaker said in response to our analysis, adding that “voting differently from the group is no objective in itself, but it can be necessary to stay true to myself.”